Alex Dye Alex Dye

Digitization - Using Software to Duplicate Products

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

A client reached out to duplicate a master copy of a model they had. The complex horse saddle was an excellent test case for ALTAY to expand into secondary services for model reproduction. After a brief phone call, quote, and email exchange, the model maker mailed over the master saddle copy. After a couple of hours of tinkering and settling on our method, ALTAY was able to reproduce a 1:1 scale digital model of the saddle. After the digitization was completed, we printed a test and sent a photo of the print for a review.

Saddle Rendering after Digitization.

Saddle Print and Master.

Upon approval, ALTAY printed a duplicates of the saddle various scales so they can test out their new product line and verify its what they were looking for.

After sending back the first prints, we were asked to digitize 2 additional scale models for the client. These went well, with a few of the smaller digitizations that took longer than expected. We are excited to continue to add more products and refine the photogrammetry process to better serve the hobby model community.

In the end it ended up as a cost effective solution for their modeling needs and provided an easy method to manufacture their products at different scales.

Have a product you need digitized?

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