STEM Alex Dye STEM Alex Dye

Future of STEM Education: Build Scale Model Storm Sewer Systems

Future of STEM Education: Build Scale Model Storm Sewer Systems. Standard Detail to help inform our designs.

In a world where understanding the intricate systems of our cities is vital, developing a scale model storm sewer pipe and manhole kit is an innovative and crucial educational tool. Aimed at teachers and individuals between the ages of 10 and 30, this upcoming creation is poised to revolutionize how we learn about storm utilities in urban environments.

Combining the elements of fun and education, this toy is not just a plaything but a hands-on, interactive means to grasp the basics of stormwater management and how these systems operate within our cities. Designed to be watertight, this miniature sewer model will replicate the workings of real storm utilities, showcasing the movement and management of water during heavy rainfall and storms.

Why STEM Education Matters:

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education is fundamental for fostering innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. It provides a gateway to understanding complex systems and encourages the pursuit of solutions to real-world problems. Integrating STEM concepts into educational tools makes learning engaging and applicable.

The Journey Towards Development:

The creation of this scale model storm sewer and manhole toy is a collaborative effort between educators, engineers, and designers. Our team of technical professionals and registered engineers aims to make the learning experience both informative and enjoyable, allowing students and enthusiasts to comprehend the role and function of storm utilities in urban infrastructure.

The toy's design emphasizes accuracy, ensuring that the mechanisms of stormwater movement within cities are effectively represented. Its watertight construction enables users to simulate and observe the flow of water, replicating scenarios of heavy rainfall and demonstrating how these systems manage excess water to prevent flooding.

Understanding Urban Infrastructure:

It is important to understand the complex networks of storm utilities that cities rely on to channel excess water away from streets and buildings. Teaching the fundamentals of these systems is crucial, especially given the increasing impact of climate change, which has led to more frequent and intense storms.

The scale model storm sewer system provides a tangible and visually stimulating way to comprehend the function of storm utilities. Through hands-on interaction, users can gain insights into the importance of maintaining these systems, highlighting their role in mitigating floods and preserving urban landscapes.

Empowering Future Engineers and Innovators:

By engaging with this educational toy, individuals are exposed to the principles of engineering, hydrology, and urban planning. Encouraging an early interest in these fields can spark curiosity and potentially inspire the next generation of engineers and innovators. It also instills a sense of responsibility toward environmental stewardship and infrastructure maintenance.

The forthcoming scale model storm sewer system represents an exciting leap in educational resources by ALTAY Custom Plastics. Its focus on STEM concepts, particularly engineering and urban infrastructure, aligns with the growing need for innovative teaching tools that prepare the future workforce for the challenges of a rapidly evolving world.

By providing a captivating and informative experience, this toy serves as a gateway to understanding the essential role of storm utilities in cities. It not only educates but also inspires a new generation to tackle the complexities of urban infrastructure and environmental sustainability.

Stay tuned for the release of this educational masterpiece, poised to revolutionize the way we learn about storm utilities and propel STEM education into a new realm of interactive discovery and understanding.

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Alex Dye Alex Dye

Digitization - Using Software to Duplicate Products

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

A client reached out to duplicate a master copy of a model they had. The complex horse saddle was an excellent test case for ALTAY to expand into secondary services for model reproduction. After a brief phone call, quote, and email exchange, the model maker mailed over the master saddle copy. After a couple of hours of tinkering and settling on our method, ALTAY was able to reproduce a 1:1 scale digital model of the saddle. After the digitization was completed, we printed a test and sent a photo of the print for a review.

Saddle Rendering after Digitization.

Saddle Print and Master.

Upon approval, ALTAY printed a duplicates of the saddle various scales so they can test out their new product line and verify its what they were looking for.

After sending back the first prints, we were asked to digitize 2 additional scale models for the client. These went well, with a few of the smaller digitizations that took longer than expected. We are excited to continue to add more products and refine the photogrammetry process to better serve the hobby model community.

In the end it ended up as a cost effective solution for their modeling needs and provided an easy method to manufacture their products at different scales.

Have a product you need digitized?

Contact us below with your digitization need.

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